I have been an avid enthusiast of airline industry for about 15 years. I am thrilled by almost all aspects of aviation. From mechanical technicality of flight itself such as engine thrust / aerodynamics / navigation control to airline operation in both passenger and freight markets worldwide. Even just watching airplanes flying or taxing is what I can do for hours everyday.
Interest brought in curiosity. I kept searching for and learning about everything of anything aviation. Here is one demonstration of years-long self study: a guide to discriminating aircraft types. The initial version of the slides was compiled 8.5 years ago for a friend looking for help. Today I post the revised version including newer aircrafts like Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus 350. You can download PDF here.
Note that no airline appears twice. I deliberately chose only one picture for each airline so that as many different airlines are included as possible. As the watermarks indicate, most of the images were imported from airliners.net, a popular website for high quality aircraft photos. They do not keep the photos from being used for hobby purpose. Nonetheless I appreciate for the efforts of all the photographers and do acknowledge the generosity. The above image is one of them, showing Boeing 777-200, my favorite.